SAND Trust-Wide Policies

Schools must adhere to a number of Statutory policies which are Trust wide and can be found on the SAND Academies Trust website via the links below.

  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Anti-bullying Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Careers Policy
  • Charging and Remissions Policy
  • Complaints Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Equality Information and Objectives Policy (including compliance with the public sector equalities duty)
  • Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme
  • Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
  • SEND Policy
  • Trade Union Information
  • Whistleblowing Policy
SAND Academies Trust Policies

SAND Financial Information

  • Annual Accounts
  • Executive Pay Information
  • Funding Agreements
  • Gender Pay Gap report
SAND Academies Trust Financial Information


SAND Academies Trust Governance Documents

School Policies

The following policies are specific to Sladewood Academy.

Accessibility Plan


Assessment for Learning


Behaviour Principles statement


Home School Agreement


Teaching and Learning


Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) Policy


Other Statutory Information

Protection of Biometric Information of Pupils – Sladewood does not use automated biometric recognition systems, so therefore holds no data.

Print copies of all statutory and non-statutory policies are available on request from the school office.