Find out about our Curriculum

This page features a comprehensive overview of Sladewood’s Curriculum and includes our Curriculum Overview and Curriculum Map. The reading scheme in use at Sladewood is early phonics and ‘Read, Write, Inc’.  If you require further, or more specific information, please contact the school using the links below:

Coordinator of Maths and English:

Coordinator of Phonics and Reading:

Coordinator of PSHE:

Sladewood's Vision

We are an inclusive and therapeutic community that commits to ensure pupils within our care are safe, happy, curious and purposeful learners. Every pupil will be provided with opportunities to progress academically, socially and emotionally to achieve the best they can.

“Together we will Thrive”, where we will create a community of play, laughter, acceptance, curiosity, empathy and a love of learning where strong relationships are at the centre of what we do.

Before leaving the school community, we will ensure pupils have been exposed to a broad and balanced education so they have the knowledge, skills and confidence to Thrive in the next chapter of their journey.

Sladewood Curriculum Map

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Sladewood we ensure a knowledge-rich learning curriculum that has breadth, depth and relevance to meet the need and interests of all pupils. The curriculum is planned sequentially and managed to ensure that all pupils gain knowledge and skills to ensure they are well prepared for the next stage in their education. Learning is an integral part of our day and takes place throughout the day in all areas. Our children will develop a love of learning that inspires them to engage with all topics and subjects which in turn will support them to become curious life long learners.


Our aim is for all pupils to have fun whilst learning key skills that will equip them for life.  Developing independence is a key focus for our school and no matter how complex the disability or need, we will aim to support our pupils to become more independent in all areas of their lives.

Sladewood Academy provides high quality teaching.  Teachers carefully assess each pupil’s abilities throughout the year.  Teachers work with parents/carers and any linked professionals to target the next key steps in priority areas, such as speech and language or physical development targets provided by an occupational therapist. Teachers also plan the next individual pupil’s steps in all curriculum areas. Teaching is informed by the teachers planning that follows our sequential curriculum. Lessons are planned and delivered to support our children to commit the knowledge and skills taught to their long term memory, through a mixture of varied practice and repetition of language and activities. Alongside this, teachers identify the strategies that each pupil needs to access and engage with the curriculum to achieve and make progress.

The core subjects at our school are English, Maths and Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSHE) and the rest of our week is made up of Foundation subjects that meet the wider academic and emotional needs of our pupils. The academic curriculum is supported by a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities that will further add to the development of the whole child.

When judging the outcomes of the pupils’ achievements we take the following into account:

  • the age and starting point of the pupils
  • the extent of their special educational needs
  • the National expectations
  • the individual targets/outcomes for the pupils
  • the preparation needed for the pupil to be successful in the next stage of their education.

Throughout the school, life skills, practical skills, functional skills and personal skills form an integral part of the curriculum.  Active learning and physical activities play a high profile in the curriculum.  Alongside this, health and well-being of all pupils is paramount and, in this context, healthy lifestyles and mental health is actively promoted across all curriculum areas through targeted activities and interventions such as THRIVE, Sensory circuits and Restorative Practice.

Through drop down curriculum days, pupils gain a greater understanding of the world around them with a specific focus on international countries, cultures and foods. Pupils are also made aware of the local community through links with members of the public, local businesses and other relevant parties.

Environmental/Outdoor education is encouraged through recycling and horticulture as well as being delivered in relevant curriculum areas. Pupils are offered a range of activities to enrich the curriculum.

Parents and carers are informed of the curriculum units being covered in termly Medium Term plans and newsletter items. All stakeholders have access to the Long Term plan for each subject via the website.  This shows the content, skills and progression mapped out for each subject.


The aspiration for all pupils attending Sladewood is that they achieve their potential in all aspects of their development.  The outcome of the curriculum ensures that pupils are prepared for their next steps in education and beyond.  Sladewood works with secondary education providers to ensure the curriculum prepares them for their next steps in education. Each year the curriculum is monitored, reviewed and evaluated to ensure it suits the needs of the pupils.

All achievements and progress are celebrated. Our pupils will leave Sladewood with the confidence to take their next steps independently, having gained the necessary life skills to support this, at the appropriate level for their need.

Sladewood Curriculum Information

Speech & Language Provision at Sladewood


Our Curriculum Overview


Cultural Capital - Our SMSC Education


Music Development Plan


Our Class Curriculum Plans - Term 3









RE Withdrawal Statement

‘RE is provided for all pupils, and is inclusive and broad minded. Parents do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE: if you wish to do this, make an appointment with the head teacher / RE subject leader. The school does not support selective withdrawal from RE’.