Our Vision

To offer an inclusive and therapeutic community that commits to ensure pupils within our care are safe; happy, curious and purposeful learners.

Every pupil must be provided with opportunities to progress academically, socially and emotionally to achieve the best they can.

“Together we will Thrive”

Our Values

We champion our values by embedding them in the life of our school, and making them the focus of our assemblies, displays, and peer discussions. Our key values are:

  • Relationships
  • Kindness
  • High Aspirations

On leaving the school, we will ensure children have been exposed to a broad and balanced education so they have the knowledge, social skills and confidence to Thrive in the next chapter of their journey.

Our Ethos

Trauma Informed, relational school – provision of therapeutic practices to support the physical and emotional development of pupils that have been subjected to, or harmed by trauma. Restorative practices to build, maintain and repair relationships and resolve conflict in a relational manner.

Specialist interventions – delivered by highly skilled professionals to support and challenge the development of all children, removing barriers to learning to allow full access to the curriculum.

Curriculum – a specialist curriculum, with stages, designed to support the individual needs of the pupils and provide them with the knowledge and skills needed for growing independence and confidence to thrive in their next steps of education.

Teaching and Learning – high quality teaching delivered by dedicated practitioners to ignite young minds via an inspiring and relevant curriculum.

Community – to achieve high aspirations for our children, we recognise the essential need for strong partnerships with families, carers and all professionals and we will strive to ensure these.