Sensory Processing
Our Occupational Therapist (OT) is Laura Reddy. Please contact her via Dojo if you have a query.
At Sladewood we deliver an adapted Interoceptive Curriculum® approach to learning. This is an approach developed by Kelly Mahler, Occupational Therapist and self-identified “interoception groupie”. This approach is designed to offer evidence-based support to facilitate discovery and validation of each student’s unique internal body experience. Over time and with subsequent skill acquisition this approach intends to empower students with self-understanding, self-regulation, health, well-being and social connection. At Sladewood we focus on the first building block of this curriculum, the body. This means each week we will focus on a different body awareness skill. Please see below for body awareness skill of the week (these will follow soon)!
However the Interoceptive Curriculum® approach to learning is just one aspect of universal Occupational Therapy intervention at Sladewood, please see our Occupational Therapy Guarantee document below (to follow soon) for more details of how our delivery is structured and examples of what support this might include.